Pentalog este lider francez in servicii si consultanta IT cu centre de productie in Romania, Republica Moldova si Vietnam. Grupul nostru beneficiaza de stabilitate si experienta internationala, precum si de parteneri de incredere. Cele 2 Business Lines sunt : Dezvoltarea si organizarea sistemelor IT si Externalizarea activitatilor R&D ale clientilor nostri.
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Cuvinte cheie asociate : consultanta
Viziteaza acest site : Externalizare Servicii IT, el apartine categoriei Consultanta
Cuvinte cheie asociate : consultanta
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RSS feed Externalizare Servicii IT: Externalizare Servicii IT News
As the Race to Digitize Continues, IT investment is Exploding
As pressure to “digitize or die” continues to drive corporate decision making, IT investment has risen to the top of the priority list, with...
Amazon Alum Thrives in Mexico’s Nearshore Outsourcing Hotspot
Working with developers in different countries can make it hard to build trusted relationships. With that in mind, we introduce a rising star in...
Google Search Data Suggests Digital Transformation Is Still Hot
What’s the outlook for digital transformation in a post-pandemic world? Demand for transformation-related technology services was strong during...
Pentalog Iasi: Where Tech Rookies Become Smart Cookies
Many successful careers in Pentalog Iasi began with a summer internship. For 10 years, our PentaStagiu program has given students training on a...
Agile Learning – One Way to Progress
I’m still Learning – (Michelangelo at 87 years old) What is Agile learning? Agile learning is continuous and incremental training that helps...
As pressure to “digitize or die” continues to drive corporate decision making, IT investment has risen to the top of the priority list, with...
Amazon Alum Thrives in Mexico’s Nearshore Outsourcing Hotspot
Working with developers in different countries can make it hard to build trusted relationships. With that in mind, we introduce a rising star in...
Google Search Data Suggests Digital Transformation Is Still Hot
What’s the outlook for digital transformation in a post-pandemic world? Demand for transformation-related technology services was strong during...
Pentalog Iasi: Where Tech Rookies Become Smart Cookies
Many successful careers in Pentalog Iasi began with a summer internship. For 10 years, our PentaStagiu program has given students training on a...
Agile Learning – One Way to Progress
I’m still Learning – (Michelangelo at 87 years old) What is Agile learning? Agile learning is continuous and incremental training that helps...